Geothermal Heating systems capture heat energy beneath our feet

Thursday 7 April 2011


Geothermal Heating systems


Beneath the surface of the earths crust lies a hidden energy source that is more
than capable of providing us with heat and hot water. Geothermal heating systems
have been designed to efficiently harvest this hidden energy source, which is
known as thermal energy. This article will give you a better understanding of
how thermal energy was created and how geothermal heating technology is able to
harvest it.

But how exactly has thermal energy come into existance?
There are a number of reasons why the ground contains heat. Heat from the suns
rays is absorbed for example. Also the earths core still continues to radiate
out heat. In some parts of the world this underground heat source is much
stronger. No matter where in the world you are however, geothermal heating
technology can quite effectively extract this hidden heat.

The concept
of tapping into heat energy that naturally occurs under ground is not new.
Thousands of years ago the Romans grasped the idea that naturally occurring hot
water heated by geothermal energy could be used to heat their spas and some of
their buildings. Collecting naturally occurring heated water and transferring it
to places to provide heat and hot water for personal use can really be thought
of as a simple geothermal heating system. In todays world, naturally heated
water beneath the earths surface is still being made full use of. Iceland for
example have developed special geothermal power stations which harvest this
energy to provide electricity to homes and businesses.

Nowadays across
the globe many homes make use of Ground Source heat pump technology which is
proving to be very reliable and efficient method of geothermal heating. As you
can probably guess from its name the Ground Source heat pump harvests heat from
beneath the earths surface and using a pumping method provides this heat
wherever it is needed. Ground source heat pumps contain a loop of pipes that are
sited beneath the ground. The loop of pipes contain a solution that can quite
easily absorb any heat energy present in the ground. The solution is pumped
continually through the loop of pipes and absorbs heat from the surrounding
ground as it flows. The solution eventually passes through the heat pumps the
heat exchanger part of the system where the heat is extracted and refined. This
collected heat is then out to use to provide heat for our homes and heat our hot

Geothermal heating systems are seeing an increase in popularity
right across the globe. In general most people are very aware that they need to
change the way they do things in order to become more environmentally friendly.
Most people are also reluctant to keep forking out rediculous money to keep
their homes warm using traditional fuels such as gas and oil. That is why many
people are switching over to geothermal heating systems such as Ground Source
heat pumps to warm their homes and hot water.

If this article has been
of interest you may just want to find out a little more about the benefits of
investing in geothermal heating systems such as Ground Source heat pumps? It is
a good idea to visit the websites of the specialist companies that focus on
providing renewable heating and geothermal heating technology. One reputable and
well established company is clled EcoVision. You can easily find their website.
EcoVision specialises in geothermal heating systems as well as a whole range of
other eco-friendly technologies. The EcoVision website will provide you with all
the information you could possibly want to find out.


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